Our walk was a success. Although rain was called for it held off and actually turned out to be a great day for walking. We were truly blessed!
Those who participated had a wonderful time and the location was perfect Having music playing by Oldies 1150 added to the festive mood of the day.
Thanks to Rachael from Oldies 1150, who did a super job, there was an announcement about our walk, and a song was dedicated to us by ‘Rockin Ray’. Needless to say, we danced! The signs along the path were very effective, and our scarves stood out. Lots of photos were taken.
We and Mabibi Wa Tama were joined by a couple of Nyanya grannies from Niagara Falls, as well as a couple of grannies from Ottawa who were visiting in the area. Some people came off the street to make donations.
Special thanks to members who not only walked, but brought family and friends to walk as well. We walked a total of 313.5 kms.
The 4 prizes for top money generated go to Irene Turpie, Lisbie Rae, Dorothy Johns and Theresa Randles.
Though there may be some money yet to come in, our total at this point for Grandmothers of Steel is $11,794.00! We did well!